half term

Ideas For Halloween Fun Half Term 2021

2020 has been a pretty strange year so far… we have all missed out on family celebrations, holidays and classes, and this October half term will follow along a similar theme….

We won’t be able to fill our homes with hoards of mini monsters, sheet-covered ghosts and overgrown black cats for halloween parties, but here are a few covid-proof ideas to ensure that half term is still full of fun…

Ideas For Halloween Fun This Half Term

2020 has been a pretty strange year so far… we have all missed out on family celebrations, holidays and classes, and this October half term will follow along a similar theme….

We won’t be able to fill our homes with hoards of mini monsters, sheet-covered ghosts and overgrown black cats for halloween parties, but here are a few covid-proof ideas to ensure that half term is still full of fun…