
Thank you!

Thank you!

6 weeks, 35 families photographed, 1 street party, more than 150 hours editing and over £1700 raised for bereavement charity, Widowed and Young!

This certificate from WAY may be made out in my name, but thank you so much to all of you who took part in the Lockdown Doorstep Portraits Project and helped to raise this incredible total.

The Lockdown Doorstep Portrait Project

The Lockdown Doorstep Portrait Project

I’m offering families the opportunity to enjoy a free Doorstep Portrait Photoshoot: quite literally, a photoshoot on your doorstep! From the compulsory 2 metres away, I’ll capture photographs of you and your family.

You can use it as a (currently very rare!) opportunity to dress up or you can fully embrace lockdown with photos in your pyjamas; the furry members of your household can be included, those items which have kept you going through this time (kilogram slab of chocolate anyone?!) or your beautifully drawn rainbow pictures… it’s entirely up to you!

There is no fee for the session or for the images, which will - in line with the current climate - be delivered electronically. Instead, I am asking for a donation to the nationwide bereavement charity, Widowed and Young (WAY).