
Ideas to spread love and smiles this Valentine’s Day

This year, more than ever, we could all do with some extra smiles, love and a boost.'

With this in mind, Annabel and I are embracing the Finnish version of Valentine’s Day - Friend’s Day - and sending cards and homemade treats to as many friends and family as we can!

Why not have a go at some of our activities, have fun and spread some smiles in the process!

Thank you!

Thank you!

6 weeks, 35 families photographed, 1 street party, more than 150 hours editing and over £1700 raised for bereavement charity, Widowed and Young!

This certificate from WAY may be made out in my name, but thank you so much to all of you who took part in the Lockdown Doorstep Portraits Project and helped to raise this incredible total.

Celebrating Valentine's Day... with a twist!

Celebrating Valentine's Day... with a twist!

This year, I'm embracing Valentine's Day as an opportunity to empower my daughter by sharing well-chosen words with her to highlight her many wonderful qualities: On each day of February in the run up to 14th, I am adding a new heart to her bedroom mirror: each one, sporting another reason why I love her.

Things like:

‘You give great cuddles’

‘You ask great questions to help you understand’

‘You dance like nobody’s watching!’

Why not try something similar with your child? - it doesn’t have to be 14 days worth all in one go, it could be an encouraging note hidden inside their lunchbox to discover at school, a love-heart message on their pillow, a piece of their art work up celebrated by being stuck on the fridge or joyous photos of them on display in your home.